Posts tagged with: ttu

#05 Personal checklist for OS maintenance

It is very easy for me to maintain my computer in order. Cause it is Mac.

The first thing what I set is automatically updating the system. That is already built into MacOS now. Some time ago this option was not built in the system.

I do not have antivirus. I try to not visit deep web and porno sites.

Also, I try not to install malware and software from unidentified sites.

I installed Little Snitcher which shows me the work processes that connect to the Internet.

I don’t do daily maintenance because there is no need for them.

Monthly I clean my desktop and delete all unnecessary files from hard drive. Also, I scan it for errors.

Once in half a year I reinstall the operating system. It is so simple and nice to do from Backup 🙂

There are important actions immediately after installing the system and not below. If there is a solid foundation it is easier to build something sustainable, a working perfect Operating System, in this case.

#01 Two security stories

People always have a habit to hide. From the rains, winds or animals. Security is one of the main objectives and human needs. Fear of being stolen, fear of getting sick or worse one – fear of death always was one of the catalysts of human development.

The more developed the man became more sophisticated security tweaks. With the advent needs to ensure not only life and property occurred systems more complex and diversified.

One of them assumed that most people have a certain door key and only when all locks are open to possible access to that room or that may be there. Given security system is still used today for example in accounting then sing to access their bank accounts or to sign electronic payment provisions require the signatures of the director and accountant.

Another system, less used today because information is quite important, is to burn or destroy the contents of an object when it is opened by a different way than scheduled.

In the book „The Da Vinci Code” Dan Brown describes an object that also contained in some information which is destroyed by the action of sulfuric acid (as I remember) when it is opened improperly.

An interesting method could use today. It’s just difficult, are systems that delete information on hard disks but even it can be restored if necessary. Physical destruction still remains the best option for security.

Estonia, baby :-)

De 3 săptămâni sunt în Estonia.

De ce?
Pentru că vroiam să ajungem (eu și Mihaela) undeva la nord. Pentru că e mai frig (Mihaela) și pentru că oamenii sunt mai sănătoși la cap (eu).

De ce Estonia?
Aici a fost alegerea mea. Mihaela opta pentru Suedia sau Finlanda. Aici va fi mai simplu de adaptat. Avem un trecut comun totuși și oferă destul de multe burse pentru moldoveni.

De ce la studii?
Pentru o oarecare siguranță și pentru a obține studii europene. Despre burse este destul de multă informație, mai ales pe blogul ambasadorului Guzun. Eu am aplicat la Tartu și, în ultimul moment, a apărut și posibilitatea bursei în Tallinn la eGov. Mă bucur că sunt student al Universității Tehnice din Tallinn.

Despre bani.
Traiul aici nu e cu mult mai scump decât în Chișinău. Dar se respiră un pic altfel. Mai liniștit nu știu cum.

Nu recomand Estonia moldovenilor. Așa, în vizită – da. Nu mai mult. Stați acasă.